Van Anda Improvement District

Van Anda Improvement District

Public Announcements

  • Water Restrictions

    June 1, 2024

    Annual water restrictions are in effect. There are 4 stages of water restrictions – more info can be found on the page Water Conservation Bylaw and Water Restrictions.


    July 13, 2024

    Effective immediately – Sat Jul 13 9 pm

    Van Anda Water System has had a temporary chlorination failure and chlorine levels in the tank are lower than recommended. The problem has been fixed and chlorine levels are expected to be back in the correct range by tomorrow morning. Please help spread the message and notify your neighbors.

  • July 2024

    July 1, 2024

    WATER RESTRICTIONS: Stage 3 will be in effect starting Saturday June 29. This is necessary to avoid maxing out the treatment plant capacity, which can happen at the beginning of summer. Stage 3 restrictions include the following:

    • No washing vehicles, RVs, or boats.
    • No filling or adding water to swimming pools, hot tubs, garden ponds, or decorative fountains.
    • No washing any outdoor surfaces, including sidewalks, walkways, driveways, patios, decks, or windows.
    • Hand watering and using sprinklers to water trees, shrubs, flowers, and vegetables is limited to one hour daily per coverage area and allowed only in the evening or early morning.
    • Use of micro-irrigation or drip irrigation systems to water trees, shrubs, flowers, and vegetables is allowed on any day, at any time, as required.
    • More details on our website.

    DID YOU KNOW that a hose sprinkler uses 5-10 gallons per minute? That’s up to 7,200 gallons if left running overnight. The maximum capacity for our water treatment plant is only 160,000 gallons per day!

    WATER QUALITY & PLANT UPGRADES: The Water Quality Advisory is still in place due to temporary Ultraviolet Treatment (UVT) insufficiency. UVT is the final step in water treatment before chlorination. The UVT system is not adequate at present due to the dissolved solids not being removed by the Ion Exchangers (Ionex), as designed. Replacement of the Ionex media will solve this issue however it is a complicated and expensive process. Plans are in place to replace the media and clean the fouled Ionex tanks as well as adding a sand filtration unit between the self-cleaning filters and the cartridge filters. This sand filter was donated to VAID from a Vancouver Island location that has since connected to a larger water supply system. It will save us money on treatment consumables such as cartridges and salt, and extend the life of the new ionex media.

    Vancouver Coastal Health continues to report no issues from the monthly water testing.

    MEETINGS: The next Regular Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday July 17th 1:30pm

    FIREFIGHTERS NEEDED! No experience necessary. Training, gear, and on-duty insurance coverage provided.  Phone or text Acting Chief Mark Robert for more info 604-414-9662 or email

    CONTACT INFO – Email: – Phone: 604-486-7035 – Website:

    SUBSCRIBE: Be notified by email for outages and other events at

    WATER EMERGENCY: phone Water Operator Marianne Segers at 604-315-1363

  • June 2024

    June 1, 2024

    Hello Texada!  Here are some notes on recent events:

    Thanks to Rick and Lindy for their generous donation!

    OPEN BURNING BAN: Van Anda’s annual open burning ban is in effect from May 15 until October 15. Burning barrels included.

    WATER LINE REPAIRS: Columbia leak is fixed. Plans are being made for replacing the watermain.

    WATER RESTRICTIONS: Stage 2 in in effect. Watering is limited to one hour per area and to be done only in the early morning or evening.  Lawn watering allowed only once a week, one hour per area. No restrictions on drip irrigation.  More details at

    WATER QUALITY: The Water Quality Advisory in still in place while we continue address the issues caused by some components reaching the end of their serviceable life. Vancouver Coastal Health continues to report no issues from the monthly water testing.

    MEETINGS: The next Regular Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday June 12th 1:30pm

    FIREFIGHTERS NEEDED! No experience necessary. Training, gear, and on-duty insurance coverage provided.  Phone or text Acting Chief Mark Robert for more info 604-414-9662 or email

    CONTACT INFO – Email: – Phone: 604-486-7035 – Website:

    SUBSCRIBE: Be notified by email for outages and other events at

    WATER EMERGENCY: phone Water Operator Marianne Segers at 604-315-1363

  • Texada Drainage Report

    May 22, 2024

    MOTI Texada Drainage Report (2024)

    Parsons was retained by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) of British Columbia to undertake engineering services for a drainage study on Texada Island. The purpose of the study was to assess the condition and vulnerability of six priority areas, which cover culvert crossings along major traveling routes.

    The primary objectives of the study were as follows:

    • Conduct field assessments for each identified priority area, including condition assessment and
      noticeable problems on site;
    • Conduct a hydrologic analysis for the major watersheds and calculate design peak flows for the major
    • Conduct a hydraulic analysis using HY-8 for each culvert crossing from the priority areas and additional
      areas noted from the field assessments;
    • Develop new proposed drainage improvement recommendations for each stream crossing with an
      identified condition or calculated hydraulic efficiency based on current MoTI design criteria; an
    • Provide a high-level conceptual cost estimate for the proposed drainage improvements.

    In addition to the six priority sites, major arterial roads were included as part of the field condition assessments for major culvert crossings.
    This document summarizes the project background, the field assessment, hydrologic and hydraulic assessment, proposed drainage improvement recommendations and cost estimate.

Water Inspection Results

Visit our page with the most recent Water Inspection Results

Contact Us

Phone numbers, email addresses, names, mailing address here: Contact Us


Please call Mark Robert – Acting Fire Chief – 604.414.9662 … see Volunteer Firefighter