Information for New Owners

Information for New Owners

Van Anda Improvement District provides potable water and fire protection to properties within the District boundaries.

Boundary details can be seen on the VAID Map page.

New residents are required to complete and submit the form Change of Ownership and Application for Water Service. This can be found on the New Water Connections page.

To get water service where none exists, use the form Application for New Water Connection. This and other new connection information is on our page New Water Connections.

Water tolls and parcel taxes invoiced yearly in January. Current rates are in the most recent bylaws on the Bylaws page.

Learn more about the Improvement District.

Development costs

All development is subject to the Development Capital Expenditure Charge. This includes single family residential housing. The bylaw can be found on the Bylaws page

If water mains need upgrading due to the increased demand of a development, the property owner shall pay for the upgrades. If an engineers report is considered necessary by the Board to determine if water can be supplied or if upgrades are needed, the property owner shall pay for the report.

Outside the district?

If your property is outside the District boundary, you may appeal to have the boundaries amended to include your property. This is a lengthy process and when complete, there will be extra expense to you in getting water service from the existing infrastructure to your property.

Important note to future purchasers:

If the property you are purchasing is not within the District boundaries, you will not have access to water service or fire protection. Due to the irregular outlines of the district, you are strongly advised to check that your property is included.

Another thing to consider is if there is existing water service to the property. If the property has not been developed, or is unoccupied, there will be extra costs.