Payments and Accounts

Payments and Accounts

How To Pay


  • To
  • Include PID number in message area.

At First Credit Union

  • Take your invoice, or PID number and amount owing.

Online banking

  • Available at First Credit Union only.
  • Use your PID number for Account Number, with no dashes or spaces.

Cheque or money order

  • Make payable to Van Anda Improvement District.
  • Write PID number in comment area.
  • Mail to Box 115, Van Anda BC V0N 3K0.

Payment plan with VAID

VAID offers a monthly payment plan (for annual Tolls & Taxes only).

  • Payments must be received by the 15th day of each month.
  • Plan must be fully paid off by November.
  • To avoid late payment penalty fees, you must notify us AND have made your first payment before the invoice due date.
  • Notify us – fill out and return slip at bottom of the annual invoice or email the following details to
    • your name
    • PID (this can be found on the invoice)
    • contact information (phone number or email address)
    • dates of first and final payments
    • method of payment

How to make payments

  • Use post dated cheques or deposit at First Credit Union.
  • Include PID to ensure payment is credited to to correct account.
  • Automatic payments can be set up at the First Credit Union.
  • You may be able to set up postdated e-transfers from your bank.

Payment plan fees and charges

  • Administration fee of $40 for each PID.
  • The payment plan calculator below automatically adds the $40 payment plan admin fee.
  • Each missed payment will incur a fee of $25.

Contact us if you would like help in setting up a payment plan.

Due Dates and Penalties

Annual Parcel Tax and Water Tolls are invoiced on the 1st of January. There is usually about 2 months between invoice date and due date – see invoice for the exact due date.

Taxes and annual water tolls shall be due and payable on or before the due date. Any portion remaining unpaid after this date shall have a penalty of 15% of taxes and 10% of tolls added, unless you have set up a payment plan, notified us of the details, AND made the first payment.

In addition, taxes and tolls remaining unpaid on the 1st day of March next following the date upon which the taxes are levied shall bear interest at the rate prescribed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council under the Taxation (Rural Area) Act, as set out under Section 717 of the Local Government Act.

Meters are read and invoiced quarterly. Invoices are due and payable upon receipt. A 10% penalty be charged if unpaid after 30 days.

Overdue Accounts

If by the due date, full payment has not been made, nor a payment plan arranged with the District and the first payment made, the account is considered overdue and assessed a late payment fee of 15% on parcel taxes and 10% on water tolls of the balance due.

Past Due Notice

For overdue accounts, a “Past Due” notice is mailed.

Final Notice

If full payment is not received within 15 business days of the date on your Past Due letter, a Final Notice is mailed. You have 15 business days from the date of the Final Notice is issued to remit payment in full.

24 Hour Water Cut Off Notice

If full payment is not received within 15 business days of the date on the Final Notice, a 24 Hour Cut Off Notice is delivered.

For each visit, a $50 disconnection/reconnection charge will be assessed to your account. That’s our real cost for sending a person in a vehicle to your service address and updating your account.

Water Disconnection

If full payment is not received within 24 hours of receiving the Notice, service will be disconnected.

When service has been disconnected for nonpayment, the account must be paid in full before service is restored.