Water Conservation Bylaw and Water Restrictions

Water Conservation Bylaw and Water Restrictions

Click this link to view the complete Water Conservation Bylaw

Download the Chart of Water Conservation Stages

Tips for Water Conservation


Summary of the Water Conservation Bylaw

The following prohibitions are in force at all times of the year:

  • No person shall damage or allow the deterioration of any appliance so as to result in an increase in water use.
  • No person shall waste water by using more water than is required to provide a service, produce a product, or complete a task, including but not limited to allowing a tap or hose to run water unnecessarily and over-watering plants or lawns.
  • No person shall apply water intended for irrigation to an impervious surface such as a street, parking lot, sidewalk, or driveway.

Effective Dates of Stages and Restrictions

  • Stage 1 is in effect from April 1 to May 14 unless Stage 2, 3, or 4 are in effect.
  • Stage 2 is in effect from May 15 to October 15 unless Stage 3 or 4 are in effect.
  • The board of trustees may change these dates or stages at any time of the year for any period of time.

SCHEDULE “A” – Water Restriction Stages

The following conditions apply to all stages:

  • Water hoses must be equipped with a handheld automatic shut off nozzle.
  • Hand watering is to be done by a handheld container or a handheld hose equipped with an automatic shut-off nozzle.
  • Use of micro-irrigation or drip irrigation systems to water trees, shrubs, flowers, and vegetables is allowed on any day, at any time, as required.

STAGE 1 April 1 – May 15

  1. Lawn watering using a sprinkler is limited to one hour per sprinkler coverage area, once per week.
  2. Hand watering and use of sprinklers to water trees, shrubs, flowers, and vegetables is limited to one hour daily per coverage area.
  3. Washing of vehicles or boats is allowed only between 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm
  4. Filling or adding water to a swimming pool, hot tub, garden pond, or decorative fountain is allowed only between 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm.

STAGE 2 May 15th – October 15th

  1. Lawn watering using a sprinkler is limited to one hour weekly per sprinkler coverage area, to be done between 5:00 am and 9:00 am or 8:00 pm and 12 midnight.
  2. Hand watering and use of sprinklers to water trees, shrubs, flowers, and vegetables is limited to one hour daily per coverage area, and only during the following times:
    • May to August: between 8:00 pm and 8:00 am
    • September: between 7:00 pm and 8:00 am
    • October: between 6:00 pm and 8:00 am
  3. Washing vehicles or boats is allowed only between 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm.
  4. Filling or adding water to a swimming pool, hot tub, garden pond, or decorative fountain is allowed only between 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm.
  5. Washing outside surfaces is limited to two hours daily.


If the Board of Trustees declares that Stage 3 is in effect, the following restrictions apply:

    • No lawn watering.
    • No washing vehicles, RVs, or boats.
    • No filling or adding water to swimming pools, hot tubs, garden ponds, or decorative fountains.
    • No washing any outdoor surfaces, including sidewalks, walkways, driveways, patios, decks, or windows.
  1. Hand watering and using sprinklers to water trees, shrubs, flowers, and vegetables is limited to one hour daily per coverage area, and allowed only during the following times:
    • May to August: between 8:00 pm and 8:00 am
    • September: between 7:00 pm and 8:00 am
    • October: between 6:00 pm and 8:00 am

STAGE 4 – Plant watering reduced to twice a week.

Same as Stage 3, with watering of plants (b) reduced to twice a week.