Water Leaks on Private Property
You own the water pipe from your home up to the shut-off valve (usually at your property line).

We own the shut-off valve.
The responsibility for a leak on private residential property can be determined by turning off the water at the shut-off valve. If the leak stops, repairing the leak is your responsibility. Please contact our Water Operator if you suspect you have a leak.
We do not trace private water pipes on public or private property. Unlike other utilities, we do not own these pipes. They have been installed by private contractors.
If there is a leak in your water pipe….
You are responsible for:
- arranging for a qualified person to make any necessary repairs.
- paying for the repairs and water turn off/on fees.
Your contractor will be responsible for:
- getting clearances from utility companies (e.g., BC Hydro)
- repairing the leak
- arranging for us to inspect the repair and turn the water back on.
VAID is responsible for:
- turning off the water so that the repair can be made
- turning the water back on after repair has been completed.
We will turn off the water if the leak becomes a risk to:
- the water supply system
- public safety
- private or public property.
While your water is off during the repair, we recommend that you:
- keep your taps closed to prevent flooding when your water is turned on
- turn off electrically operated hot water tanks to prevent damage.
Bylaw 169, the Water Distribution Regulation By-law, in paragraph 18 states that:
The property owner shall be responsible for all service pipes and plumbing systems from the outlet of the District’s curb stop or standard waterworks valve at their property line including:
a) safekeeping, maintenance, and repair
b) protection from frost or other damage
c) prompt repair of frozen, leaky, or imperfect pipes or fixtures
d) all water used on their property.
VAID’s Bylaw 169, the Water Distribution Regulation By-law
If you have any questions, contact our office at 604-486-7035