Newsletter August 2023

Newsletter August 2023

Hello Texada!  Here are a few notes from our last Van Anda Improvement District (VAID) regular board meeting held Jul 12th.

WATER: Stage 3 Water Restrictions were implemented at the beginning of July. This year’s summer usage is more than expected and the increase since spring is more than in previous years. This may signify new leaks or water use changes. Investigations are continuing. Please help by letting us know of any water use concerns – email or leave a message at 604-486-7035.

The Jul 7 article in the Powell River Peak stated that there is plenty of water for the new subdivision and the mining application. This information is from before the increased summer usage and is no longer applicable. Applications for new connections and other water provision will continue to be considered carefully.

Van Anda’s treated water is not allowed to be supplied to outside the district. This very clear in the Water Regulation Bylaw, which is available online at Measures are being taken to ensure that water cannot be taken from VAID. Bulk water may be available by approval – contact the office.

Please remember to use water responsibility – by fixing leaks, watering between 8 pm and 8 am (no lawn watering), and conserving water when possible.      See the Water Restriction Chart for more details.

FIRE PROTECTION: One of the reasons for Stage 3 Water Restrictions is to keep the water storage tank full. High water usage can cause the water level in the tank to be too low to provide enough water for fire fighting needs.

INFORMATION concerning VAID is available at our website

NEXT MEETING: Residents are encouraged to attend VAID meetings. Next meeting is AUG 16th at 1:30pm, upstairs at the fire hall in Van Anda.

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