Boil Water Notice – March 1 2022
A boil water notice is now in place. Boil water for at least one minute.
More information is available on this page
UPDATE SAT Mar 5: Notice lifted.
A boil water notice is now in place. Boil water for at least one minute.
More information is available on this page
UPDATE SAT Mar 5: Notice lifted.
Due to a major leak in the water main on Smelter, water has been turned off at the main by the Wharf. Anyone East of this point will be without water until the main is repaired. If you are affected by this outage, we recommend turning off power to your hot water tank and ensuring all faucets are closed.
Our water operators are on the job and we will keep you updated. An estimated time for the outage will be provided when we have more information on the cause of the leak and the repairs needed.
UPDATE: the repair was completed by 3.30 pm, thanks to the speedy response of our crew including contractor Al Davis. We suspect this had been an ongoing substantial leak and hope to see a reduction of pump hours now its fixed.
We encourage everyone to join our Board of Trustees for their regular monthly meeting, upstairs at the Firehall on Wednesday Feb 16th at 1.30pm, unless public health concerns determine otherwise. Contact Administration office if you would like any other information: 604-486-7035 or Previous meetings minutes can be found on the Meetings & Minutes page.
COVID protocols for the Firehall apply:
The annual Court of Revision provides an opportunity for property owners to appeal assessments for Parcel Taxes. It is also a chance to speak directly with Board members about concerns.
This years Court of Revision will be held on Saturday, February 12th, from 10 am to noon, at the Firehall.
Please contact us to make an appointment so we can be better prepared to deal with your specific concerns. An appointment is not necessary, however it will allow us to provide you with a more timely response.
Email or phone 604-486-7035 for more info or to schedule your appointment.
There will be a planned water outage tomorrow (Thurs Jan 27) from 1-3pm while a new connection is installed on Sellentin Rd. Residents affected are those on Marble Bay Rd between Mary Mary and Sellentin, and those on Sellentin between Marble Bay Rd and Main St.
Water operators are visiting affected residents this afternoon to give notice.
If you are in this area, we recommend ensuring all faucets are closed and turning off power to your hot water tank tomorrow before the outage begins, particularly if you are not going to be at home.
If you require more information, email or phone 604-486-7035
Invoices for 2022 Water Tolls and Parcel Taxes were mailed early in January. If you have not received yours, please contact us. Big thanks to those who have paid already! The Newsletter and Metering Feasibility report summary included in the mailout also can be found here.
Please note that the Metering Report was created after requests from residents at the last AGM. There are no plans to proceed with changing from flat rates to meters for residents. If there is continued interest in switching to meters, we will hold special public meetings and have discussions to ensure that any change to residential metering is done only if a majority of residents agree to the change.
The public is welcome to join our Board of Trustees for their regular monthly meeting, upstairs at the Firehall on Wednesday Jan 12th at 1.30pm, unless public health concerns determine otherwise.
Contact Administration office if you would like any other information: 604-486-7035 or
Previous meetings minutes can be found on the Meetings & Minutes page.
We have seen huge decreases in water usage this year with repairs and replacement of leaky lines and water mains.
Winter usually brings an increase in water usage as some residents keep water running to avoid freezing of water lines. If you need to do this, remember that the faucet needs to be open only a very small amount; just enough to keep the water moving.
We encourage you to insulate your water lines to avoid needing to run water. Ways to do this yourself are on our new Winter page.
The public is welcome to join our Board of Trustees for their regular monthly meeting.
Meeting upstairs at the Firehall on Wednesday Dec 8th at 1.30pm.
Contact Administration office if you would like any other information 604-486-7035 or email
Water conservation Stage 2 is no longer in effect. Residents are still urged to conserve water where possible to ensure adequate water volume is available in our reservoir to provide fire protection should it be required.