Newsletter Dec 2024

Newsletter Dec 2024

Hello Texada!  Here are some notes on recent events:

THANKS! The Board would like to express their gratitude to VAID employees and other community members who helped deal with several water system crises recently. You are appreciated!

WINTER IS COMING – please ensure your water lines and outside faucets are insulated. A single blown-out garden hose can waste over 10,000 US Gallons overnight, at a cost of about $50.

ANNUAL INVOICES for Water Tolls and Parcel Tax will be sent early January. The Budget was not finalised at this writing, but we estimate the overall increase will be around 6%, with a single-family residence on a parcel sized less than ½ acre estimated at $1,220 for 2025. Due date is March 10. To learn more about how Tolls & Taxes are calculated, visit our webpage

LEAK DETECTION CONTRACTED: Leaks have continued to increase. Using recorded amounts to date, we estimate the volume of water treated for 2024 will be about 20% more than 2023. A leak detection specialist has been contracted – Velocity Water Services will be here in January using their industry-leading technologies in acoustic leak detection to locate water leaks.  Preliminary surveys are completed using listening devices called loggers that are strategically placed throughout the water distribution system. These loggers activate overnight and log potential leak locations. During the overnight hours, water usage is down, pressure is up, and background noise is reduced. This allows for the best conditions to survey a distribution system. Once leak locations have been identified, their technicians use a correlating device to better pinpoint a leak location. This is then followed up using a ground microphone that can listen at any specific location.

WATER QUALITY ADVISORY: The Water Quality Advisory continues. This will likely stay in effect until the media replacement in the Ion Exchange units is complete, which will allow the UV Treatment to be fully effective.

TEXT NOTIFICATION for WATER EMERGENCIES: If you or anyone you know would like to be texted about water emergencies, please let us know. Text notifications will begin in the next few weeks.

SUBSCRIBE: Be notified by email for outages, monthly newsletter, and other events at

CONTACT INFO: Please let us know your concerns! – 604-486-7035

NEXT MEETING: The next Regular Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday Dec 11th 1:30pm

WATER EMERGENCY: Water Operator Marianne Segers 1-604-315-1363

FIREFIGHTERS ALWAYS NEEDED! No experience necessary. Training, gear, and 24-hr (NEW – now includes off-duty) accident insurance coverage provided.  Many practices and training events are held together with Gillies Bay as Texada’s 2 Fire Departments continue to work together.

Contact Fire Chief Mark Robert 604-414-9662 or

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