Newsletter July 2023

Newsletter July 2023

Hello Texada!  Here are a few notes from our last Van Anda Improvement District (VAID) regular board meeting held June 14th.

WATER: Water gain from a day of rain: approximately 2 centimetres (.75 inch) measured at Priest Lake.

Daily water loss from evaporation with no rain: approximately 0.6 – 1.27 centimetres (0.25 – 0.50 inches) depending on heat.

We experienced unseasonable heat in May and an extended dry spell which brought Priest Lake to its lowest level in recent years for May. Even after the recent rain, the lake level is still lower that it was on this date in 2021.

The trend toward hotter, drier conditions during summer is forecast to continue. Improved water intake options and pumping capabilities for fire protection use are still being explored.

Water use rose gradually as the dry spell continued, with daily average of 110,000 USG (416 m3) per day for the week before it rained. As of Jun 20, the daily average is 88,000 USG (333 m3).

If we wish to have access to sufficient, clean drinking water for daily consumption we must address and correct all water leaks, water waste and water theft. If you notice standing water, wet ground around town, or have any concerns, please let a VAID board member or the office know.

FIRE PROTECTION: Crescent Bay residents approached acting Fire Chief Mark Robert for fire protection.

This can be provided if properties are in the Improvement District, so a boundary amendment is required. This is a lengthy process and must be initiated by the property owners.

INFORMATION concerning VAID is available at our website A quarterly newsletter is underway.

NEXT MEETING: Residents are encouraged to attend VAID meetings. Next meeting is July 12th at 1:30pm, upstairs at the fire hall in Van Anda.

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