Newsletter Mar 2025

Newsletter Mar 2025

Hello Texada!  Here are some notes on recent events:

THANK YOU to all the people that helped us find leaks, especially after the thaw. There is always high water use after a thaw because of frost damage to uninsulated outside faucets. Everyone, please check your fixtures are prepared for the next freeze/thaw cycle.

ANNUAL INVOICES DUE MARCH 10 – thank you to those who have already paid. To property owners who have not yet paid, avoid penalties with payment before the due date. If you will be using the VAID payment plan, we need details and first payment before March 10. For more information, visit our webpage

WATER QUALITY ADVISORY LIFTED: Media replacement in the Ion Exchange units is complete with units back online, which allows the UV Treatment to be fully effective.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held Saturday April 19. If you believe changes are needed, come to the AGM! This year, there will be two Trustee positions for election. Do you or anyone you know want to be part of managing these important resources?

TEXT NOTIFICATION: System is now live. If you want to be texted about important water issues, provide us with your mobile number and we’ll add you to the list.

CONTACT INFO: Please let us know your concerns! – 604-486-7035

NEXT MEETING: The next Regular Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday Mar 12 at 1:30pm, upstairs at the Firehall.

FIRE HYDRANT COVERS: 3 hydrants are leaking and water will be shut off to them until repaired. They will be identified with a special cover. Firefighters have a key to turn water back on if these hydrants are needed for firefighting.

RESCUE VEHICLE UPGRADE: The Fire Dept is purchasing a better rescue vehicle with more room for personnel. The old one will be set up for forestry fire fighting.

FIREFIGHTERS ALWAYS NEEDED! Contact Fire Chief Mark Robert 604-414-9662 or

WATER EMERGENCY: Water Operator Marianne Segers 1-604-315-1363

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