Newsletter November 2023
Hello Texada! Here are a few notes from our last regular board meeting, held Oct 18th.
WATER: Water use is back to pre-summer levels, so Water Restrictions have been lifted.
September’s water treatment was usually between 67 to 79 thousand US gallons per day. This is about half of our production capacity. (More water data can be seen here.)
With winter approaching, this is a good time to ensure water lines are protected from freezing with insulation or heating tape. Running hoses or taps to prevent freezing is very wasteful of our water and increases our costs. More information available at
One new application for a residential service has been received for a property on Coleborn. We expect an engineer’s report shortly on how the Wall St properties will be affected by planned new connections to the properties added to the ID last year.
A reminder, VAID’s water operators and office staff are to be treated with respect.
FIRE PROTECTION: We are investigating increasing the District Boundaries to be able provide Fire Protection to more properties. Areas being considered for addition are Crescent Bay, Spectacle Lake, Kirk Lake, and Raven Bay. Several property owners have already submitted the form to be included in the District. If you are interested in joining this group, please contact us.
Van Anda firefighters have completed more training with the Gillies Bay Fire Department. Regular fire practice is on Monday evenings. Please contact acting Fire Chief Mark Robert at 604-414-9662 for more info.
CONTACT: Email Phone: 604-486-7035 Website:
NEXT MEETING: Residents are encouraged to join us for regular Board Meetings. Next meeting is Wednesday NOV 15th 1.30 Van Anda Firehall (upstairs).