Texada Drainage Report

Texada Drainage Report

MOTI Texada Drainage Report (2024)

Parsons was retained by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) of British Columbia to undertake engineering services for a drainage study on Texada Island. The purpose of the study was to assess the condition and vulnerability of six priority areas, which cover culvert crossings along major traveling routes.

The primary objectives of the study were as follows:

  • Conduct field assessments for each identified priority area, including condition assessment and
    noticeable problems on site;
  • Conduct a hydrologic analysis for the major watersheds and calculate design peak flows for the major
  • Conduct a hydraulic analysis using HY-8 for each culvert crossing from the priority areas and additional
    areas noted from the field assessments;
  • Develop new proposed drainage improvement recommendations for each stream crossing with an
    identified condition or calculated hydraulic efficiency based on current MoTI design criteria; an
  • Provide a high-level conceptual cost estimate for the proposed drainage improvements.

In addition to the six priority sites, major arterial roads were included as part of the field condition assessments for major culvert crossings.
This document summarizes the project background, the field assessment, hydrologic and hydraulic assessment, proposed drainage improvement recommendations and cost estimate.

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