Author: Van Anda Improvement District

May 2023

May 2023

Annual Open Burning Ban in effect from May 15 until October 15. More information can be found online at

Leak Detection on Private Property Water loss through leaks is still a significant issue in Van Anda. Water operators Austin Rycroft and Michael Smith will be checking for leaks on private property during the next few months. The process takes just a few minutes and requires only that you turn off water using devices for the short duration of the test. They will speak with you before proceeding with testing and can arrange for another time that is more convenient if necessary.

Water Conservation – Stage 1 started as usual on April 1. Stage 2 begins May 15.

In all stages,

  • Water hoses must be equipped with a handheld automatic shut off nozzle.
  • Hand watering is to be done by a handheld container or a handheld hose equipped with an automatic shut-off nozzle.
  • Use of micro-irrigation or drip irrigation systems to water trees, shrubs, flowers, and vegetables is allowed on any day, at any time, as required.

STAGE 1 water conservation April 1 – May 15

  • Watering lawns with sprinkler: maximum one hour, at any time of day, one day a week.
  • Hand watering and sprinklers to water trees, shrubs, flowers, and vegetables: maximum of one hour, at any time, on any day.
  • Washing vehicle or boat: only between 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm
  • Adding water to a swimming pool, hot tub, garden pond or fountain: only between 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm.

STAGE 2 water conservation begins May 15

The full chart of water restrictions can be accessed at

If you have any questions or comments about these or any other matters, please email or phone 604-486-7035.  Consider attending VAID’s regular board meetings – everyone is always welcome. Meetings for the remainder of 2023 are on Wednesdays at 1.30 on May 17, Jun 14, Jul 12, Aug 16, Sep 13, Oct 18, Nov 15, Dec 13 and are held upstairs at the Firehall.

Annual General Meeting Apr 22 2023

Annual General Meeting Apr 22 2023

VAID’s AGM will be held at the Legion on Saturday April 22, 2023, at 9.30 am.

There are 2 trustee positions available. Trustees are vital to the functioning of the Improvement District, especially in this time of change for Van Anda. Information regarding Trustees can be found on this page

VAID’s accountant Dwayne Dunn of DMD will attend to present the Financial Report and answer any questions.

Refreshments will be available.


Draft Financial Statement

Previous AGM Minutes

LEGION RD Repairs today, Apr 19,2023

LEGION RD Repairs today, Apr 19,2023

A section of damaged pipe is being replaced and water will be off for residents in the area for several hours, starting about 9 am.

Properties affected have already received notification of the outage.

Part of Legion Rd will be closed, please use alternative routes.

If you need more info, please phone the office at 604-486-7035 or email



The Annual Court of Revision will be held on Saturday Feb 11, 2023, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

An opportunity for Trustees to hear and resolve issues regarding Parcel Tax assessments and other concerns.

An appointment is not necessary but will speed up the process. To make an appointment or get more information, please phone the office at 604-486-7035 or email