Reports and Recommendations
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MOTI Texada Drainage Report (2024)
Parsons was retained by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) of British Columbia to undertake engineering services for a drainage study on Texada Island. The purpose of the study was to assess the condition and vulnerability of six priority areas, which cover culvert crossings along major traveling routes.
The primary objectives of the study were as follows:
- Conduct field assessments for each identified priority area, including condition assessment and
noticeable problems on site; - Conduct a hydrologic analysis for the major watersheds and calculate design peak flows for the major streams;
- Conduct a hydraulic analysis using HY-8 for each culvert crossing from the priority areas and additional areas noted from the field assessments;
- Develop new proposed drainage improvement recommendations for each stream crossing with an
identified condition or calculated hydraulic efficiency based on current MoTI design criteria; an - Provide a high-level conceptual cost estimate for the proposed drainage improvements.
In addition to the six priority sites, major arterial roads were included as part of the field condition assessments for major culvert crossings.
This document summarizes the project background, the field assessment, hydrologic and hydraulic assessment proposed drainage improvement recommendations and cost estimate.
Van Anda Water Quality Monitoring Report (2021)
- RESEAU-CMI planned and performed a sampling program to monitor the performance of the VAID water
treatment system. - The purpose of this year long program (April 2020 to May 2021) was to gather data and obtain insights on the performance of the system.
- Report contains water characteristics and plant performance, including regens, filters & flowmeter.
VAID Universal Metering Feasibility Report (2021)
Recent growth of the community, as well as limited water processing capacity, have the potential to impact the community significantly. Residents requested the District to explore the business case for a universal metering program.
VAID’s approach to the project involved the following steps:
- Review of water production information from the existing Water Treatment Plant
- Identification of a range of water use reduction options, including universal metering
- Cost-benefit analysis of universal metering and other prioritized options
This report summarizes the outcome of this process, and provides some options for how the District
may elect to proceed with this project.
RES’EAU WaterNET Final Report (2017)
- Based on the findings from the preliminary RES’EAU-WaterNET report, this report identifies three potential solutions to handle turbidity, reduce natural organic matter and inactivate/eliminate pathogens in VAID drinking water.
- This report is intended to offer recommendations to the VAID in planning and prioritizing the VAID’s direction to improve water quality.
RES’EAU WaterNET VAID Pilot Study Report (2016)
- This document serves as a comprehensive summary on the development, operation, and results of a water treatment pilot study conducted at Priest Lake, BC, by RES’EAU-WaterNET between fall 2015 and spring 2016.
- The investigation represents a thorough comparative evaluation of several water treatment technologies based upon their performance and practicality for this location.
- The objective of this unique approach was to successfully pilot various treatment processes that will eventually emulate a full-scale treatment facility.
- The purpose of this study was to assess and evaluate water treatment technologies to find a feasible and sustainable solution to treat water from Priest Lake to produce clean and safe drinking water.
More about RES’EAU-WaterNET here…
The objective of this report was to suggest practices that will improve the long-term financial sustainability of VAID’s water services through full-cost accounting. This was achieved through two project phases:
- determining how much VAID should be directing to the Capital Reserve Fund each year based on the composition and age of existing waterworks assets, and
- evaluating the adequacy of revenues from existing parcel taxes and water tolls to meet long-term financial obligations related to water service provision, including asset renewal and investment in new capital assets.
Additional benefits of this project included the following:
- generation of an inventory of VAID’s waterworks assets,
- insight into near-term capital expenditure needs associated with the renewal of existing assets, and
- a recommended schedule of adjustments to parcel taxes and water tolls to ensure revenues are sufficient to cover anticipated operations and maintenance expenses, asset renewal, and new capital projects expected in the coming years.
- A review of the Van Anda water system from source to tap, addressing the reoccurring challenges that are faced from regular boil water advisories.
- This report is presented in two tables, making recommendations, and then prioritizing them, based on a cost/benefit matrix.
McElhanney Consulting Services Report (2008)
- This report identifies assessment, background information and direction to improve water quality and to improve the capabilities of the water system to provide fire protection to the full community.
- In addition, this report looks at levels of risk to the watershed by wildlife, roads, septic fields within the watershed, forestry, mining and the natural gas pipeline.
Alluvia Environmental Solutions (2004)
- Alluvia Environmental Services was retained by the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority to undertake drinking waster source assessments for a small number of community water supplies in the Vancouver Coastal Health region between April and June 2004.
- The focus of these assessments was to characterize drinking water sources, identify potential hazards, and recommend ways to minimize risk to public health and improve the sustainability of the drinking water supply.
EBA Engineering Consultants(2000)
- EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. (EBA) were retained by the Ministry of Forests, Sunshine Coast Forest District (MOF) to conduct a Coastal Watershed Assessment Procedure (CWAP) for the Priest Lake watershed.
- The watersheds provide domestic water and fire protection to approximately 200 properties in the Van Anda community.
- The purpose of the WAP is to assess the cumulative effects of past forest practices on the watershed and to provide recommendations for further development based on the results of the assessment.
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